Monday, February 4, 2008

Not to brag or anything, but...

In a way, I was ahead of this blogging stuff. Back in 2000, when I was a spotty and moody fourteen-year-old, I began keeping an electronic diary, using the password feature on MS Word as a ‘lock’. It was my innovative attempt at privacy - something that didn’t really exist in our home. My parents and siblings just didn’t get it. Knocking before entering? They barged right in. Not entering my room when I wasn’t there? “What rubbish!” my mum said.

I kept the ‘e-diary’ for two years, documenting all the crucial moments of my teenage life in about 180 pages. You know... how many words my crush spoke to me that day, my latest fight with mum, my Maths marks, that pair of shoes in Woolworths that I absolutely must have. Fascinating, life-defining stuff.

It probably read like a Sweet Valley Middle School book instead of Anne Frank’s diary (I still can’t believe a fourteen year old can have that impressive a vocabulary!) but it was cathartic, in a superficial way. I didn’t - and still don’t - have any deep longing to hang my soul on barbed wire.

Anyway, I outgrew my e-diary along with my teenage angst, and have been keeping my thoughts (mostly) in my head ever since. Until now.

Welcome, voyeurs.

P.S. I’m actually quite humble.

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